366: Four for Titanfall

Titanfall VG300

It’s on the way—stand by for Titanfall

Spawn of Respawn Entertainment, the successful bunch responsible for the Call of Duty franchise, Titanfall, has been winning popularity contests far and wide since its E3 debut last year. Yet, despite its rhapsodically outstanding reception, the game has of late come under fire for a couple of absent features. If you were in the dark this last month, here’s a list of four things you might have missed.

Multiplayer is capped at 6v6. This announcement caused somewhat of a furore last month though the violent upheaval has since calmed. Personally this was marginally disappointing as I was hoping for at least 16 on 16 but I trust Respawn enough to believe them when they say 6v6 works best “from a (creative and) game design” perspective.

There are at least three different Titans the gamer can call upon. Unveiled some weeks apart, Respawn published introductory videos of the three playable Titans; the Atlas, the balanced variant, the Stryder, the mobility variant, and the Orge, the tank variant.

Titanfall proof

Titanfall will not feature split-screen multiplayer. Interestingly I felt that this was more of a bummer than the 12-player limit on multiplayer. Titanfall with your friends over is more fun if two can play at the same time since lugging another XB1 to a friend’s place seems impractical. In addition, some of my best gaming experiences on console happened over split-screen, thus it’s a bit of a let-down that this will not be for Titanfall.

If you’re torn as to which platform should you Titanfall on do know that the Xbox One version will be the best (followed closely by PC), with the 360’s version being a port that will be handled by a firm independent of Respawn, Bluepoint Games. If you, like me, are without the Xbox One I’d strongly recommend the PC version. Even if you are one of those vehement console-controller proponents, take heart because Titanfall on PC will support the 360 controller.

Titanfall 360 controller

If you’re not sure if your PC can run Titanfall get it checked out here.

All things considered, Titanfall is shaping up to be one mean shooter. We’ll work to have you our own little VG300 review when the game hits shelves next month.